Dig into the events, legends, and stories that shaped the history of China with the best Chinese history books for adults and kids.
The first time I traveled to China and marveled over the terra cotta warriors in Xian, walked The Bund and French Concession in Shanghai, and gazed down on the Forbidden City in Beijing, I finally understood how rich and complex China's history truly is. So it's not surprising that there are so many books about China and its history. If you've ever searched for Chinese history books written in English by #OwnVoices authors, then you know those titles are more difficult to find. If you're looking to dig into the events, legends, and personal stories that helped shape the history of China - whether or not you've been there - check out these nonfiction Chinese history books by #OwnVoices authors. In his first nonfiction work, Yu Hua reflects on the last several decades of China's economic and social transformation in the context of ten common phrases in Chinese vernacular: people, leader, reading, writing, Lu Xun, disparity, revolution, grassroots, copycat, and bamboozle. Mah not only calls out everyday items such as paper, matches, and silk that were first made in China, but also explains how lucky numbers, festivals, and beliefs about colors came about and how they've shaped a vibrant Chinese culture that still exists today. Any of us can do the next best thing: we can pick up these Chinese history books and lose ourselves in the stories and the unique perspectives of these #OwnVoices authors.