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Nov. 20, 2021, 1:44 p.m.
India’s Chinese Menu Approach to China
India’s Chinese Menu Approach to China
['China', 'India', 'New', 'Delhi', 'power']

Note to readers: One of the many challenges we face in trying to reduce nuclear dangers is how to engage China, India, and Pakistan into a diplomatic process, multilateral and bilateral, that strengthens and lengthens two of norms we live by: no battlefield u…

India’s Chinese Menu Approach to China

India is caught betwixt and between when it comes to its national security strategy vis-à-vis China. As the power differential grows in China's favor, India faces a challenging counter-balancing act. Menu items include "Engage America, manage China, cultivate Europe, reassure Russia, bring Japan into play, [and] draw neighbors in." He outlines a "Neighborhood first" approach, albeit not with Pakistan, and perhaps not with China, either, if Beijing refuses to be successfully managed. This former national security adviser and Ambassador to China has written a tour de force, India and Asian Geopolitics. There is much overlap in Menon and Jaishankar's prescriptions of how New Delhi can best deal with China - "India's biggest strategic challenge," in Menon's unarguable characterization. If China sees the window of opportunity for its rise to primacy as limited we can expect a continuation or even a doubling down on China's assertive policies. India's Chinese menu approach has led to procurement patterns that are less that the sum of accumulated parts.

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