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Feb. 20, 2022, 10:04 p.m.
MI5 boss is right - to root out more spies, we need tough new laws, writes EDWARD LUCAS
MI5 boss is right - to root out more spies, we need tough new laws, writes EDWARD LUCAS
['foreign', 'spy', 'MI5', 'agent', 'law']

MI5's boss, Ken McCallum (inset), lamented in an exclusive interview in the Daily Mail on Saturday, that the service works with 'one hand behind our back'. It is beyond time leaders listened to him.

MI5 boss is right - to root out more spies, we need tough new laws, writes EDWARD LUCAS

From its hulking headquarters on the north bank of the Thames, MI5 strives to defend the nation from terrorists and spies. In one vital respect, when it comes to rooting out foreign agents, it has been falling short. The effect and intent may be nefarious, but as long as foreign spies keep their activities within the flimsy confines of the law there is precious little that MI5 can do about them. The UK cancelled her passport only after she was caught by the FBI spying in New York in 2010. It should never have come to that: Chapman should have been caught in Britain long before the Americans sent her packing. Two years ago, a former MI5 chief told the Commons Intelligence and Security Committee that our laws against foreign spies are 'dusty and ineffective'. In recent months, MI5 officials have gained new powers to search and question inbound travellers. More recently, Australia - spooked by the extent of Chinese influence in its political system - rushed through in 2018 a package of laws criminalising foreign political interference and also making registration mandatory.

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