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March 8, 2022, 7:05 p.m.
Russia Inadvertently Recognizes Taiwan As A Country On Its 'Unfriendly Actions' List, Sparking Memes About How China Might React
Russia Inadvertently Recognizes Taiwan As A Country On Its 'Unfriendly Actions' List, Sparking Memes About How China Might React
['Taiwan', 'Russia', 'country', 'China', 'Ukraine']

Russia released a list of "unfriendly countries" yesterday, which inadvertently included Taiwan, thus recognizing the island republic that China, a Russian ally, insists is not independent ... and the memes followed shortly thereafter.

Russia Inadvertently Recognizes Taiwan As A Country On Its 'Unfriendly Actions' List, Sparking Memes About How China Might React

Yesterday, the Russian government issued a list of 43 "Unfriendly countries," which strangely included the microstate San Marino but also Taiwan, inadvertently recognizing that Taiwan is a country. Thank you Russia for confirming that Taiwan is a different country from China. For decades, the People's Republic of China has used its influence and clout around the world to prevent other countries from recognizing Taiwan as independent, arguing that the island of nearly 24 million people is rightfully its territory. As a result of Chinese intimidation, no major power recognizes Taiwan as a country. China when Russia includes Taiwan on a list of unfriendly COUNTRIES: pic. Russia: Puts Taiwan in the list of unfriendly COUNTRIES. China: - pic. Taiwan has sought the support of the United States and other Western powers unlike Ukraine, it has some guarantees that could pull the U.S. into a war if Taiwan was ever invaded.

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