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Oct. 30, 2022, 2:43 p.m.
CMG Europe launches "A New Journey" - a special program to examine China's global relations
CMG Europe launches "A New Journey" - a special program to examine China's global relations
['China', 'world', 'Europe', 'green', 'Juliet']

LONDON, Oct. 30, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- At the 20th CPC Congress in Beijing, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee Xi Jinping outlined what he called a "new journey of national rejuvenation through a Chinese path to modernization." On this special one-…

CMG Europe launches "A New Journey" - a special program to examine China's global relations

On this special one-hour show, China Media Group Europe examines China's move from high speed to high quality growth, its green transition and the very real opportunities that has created for Europe to engage with a rejuvenated and fully modernized China. In an exclusive conversation, CMG Europe finds out what the idea that China cannot develop in isolation from the world and that the world needs China for its development really means in practice. His Excellency Mr Zheng also shares his thoughts on how China and Europe can work together to tackle global problems. David Fergusson, who has edited four volumes of Xi Jinping's work on the governance of China, echoes that, pointing out that continuity of purpose is what has made China successful. Marc Ostwald, Chief Economist and Global Strategist at ADM Investor Services International points out the very necessary modernizing reforms now in place to facilitate China's growth towards a $20 trillion economy, and Wang Huiyao, Founder and President of the Center for China and Globalization celebrates the hybrid economy China has been able to create through extensive reforms is what is central to China's Success. The final part of CMG Europe's special program considers China's green revolution. Yin Zhiguang, Professor at the School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Fudan University tells Juliet how China's vision of a green world actually entails a much bigger vision for a fairer and more accessible world order.

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