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Dec. 7, 2022, 4:04 p.m.
Is Commerce Getting Played By The Chinese Government On Export Controls?
Is Commerce Getting Played By The Chinese Government On Export Controls?
['Commerce', 'Department', 'Chinese', 'China', 'check']

The Chinese government is a world-class force for cheating and promise-breaking.

Is Commerce Getting Played By The Chinese Government On Export Controls?

So why does the Commerce Department think that China's recent cooperation with end-user checks on American technology exports is being done in good faith? As part of the new restrictions, the Commerce Department made clear that these companies had 60 days from that date to comply with a series of end-user checks designed to prove that they were not using American technologies in prohibited ways, or else they would be moved to the Entity List. December 6 came and went with no news from the Commerce Department. MORE FOR YOU. The great danger with the Commerce Department's apparent satisfaction with China's cooperation to date is the high possibility that Chinese government, as it has done in so many other cases, is telling Commerce Department authorities what they want to hear and showing them what they want to see. At a minimum, the Commerce Department needs to establish that China's compliance is credible. The Commerce Department already erred once in moving too slowly to take action against YMTC, allowing the company the time to develop an advanced 232-layer chip. Commerce needs to hurry up and follow through on what it started by moving YMTC to the Entity List.

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