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April 12, 2023, 6:46 p.m.
Honduras' Turn Toward China Sparks Debate
Honduras' Turn Toward China Sparks Debate
['European', 'President', 'existing', 'security', 'within']

China's authoritarian government – and other Central American countries' disillusionment with Beijing – has raised concerns in Honduras about the decision to establish ties.

Honduras' Turn Toward China Sparks Debate

Both within and between nations, Southeast Asia's largest river gives rise to competing, and in some cases conflicting, notions. Tokyo's new security framework plays to Japan's existing strengths by deepening existing partnerships, but remains constrained by long-standing norms and sensitivities. Growing divisions within the CSTO - over Ukraine, Afghanistan, and various internal disputes - may have serious implications for the region's security architecture. French President Emmanuel Macron and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen are the latest European arrivals in Beijing. Their views on China are similar, but not in complete alignment.

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