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Oct. 21, 2023, 1:25 p.m.
NVIDIA CEO Reacts To US Policies, China Ban Will Have An Impact But Will Continue To Work With Chinese Customers
NVIDIA CEO Reacts To US Policies, China Ban Will Have An Impact But Will Continue To Work With Chinese Customers
['NVIDIA', 'China', 'new', 'policy', 'Huawei']

With the US's new trade policy reaching official implementation, NVIDIA's CEO Jensen Huang has reacted to the decision, stating that it will have an "adverse" effect on the mainland China […] Written by Muhammad Zuhair

NVIDIA CEO Reacts To US Policies, China Ban Will Have An Impact But Will Continue To Work With Chinese Customers

With the US's new trade policy reaching official implementation, NVIDIA's CEO Jensen Huang has reacted to the decision, stating that it will have an "Adverse" effect on the mainland China market. With the new policies, the biggest GPU manufacturer NVIDIA has placed its reservations, stating that it will definitely have an impact on its market share within mainland China. In an interview with local media, NVIDIA's CEO Jensen Huang stated that Team Green respects the decision of the US to put the nation's interest in front of business, and NVIDIA will ultimately comply with the newly implemented policies. The CEO stated that NVIDIA aims to expand its global markets rapidly, and also desires to cater to its well-established clients in China as well. Jensen's remarks do hint towards the fact that NVIDIA will "Forcibly" have to adhere to the new policies, putting mainland Chinese customers at the back, at least for now. A Chinese AI firm iFlytek has put out claims that Huawei's Ascend AI GPUs are on par with NVIDIA's current lineup of AI chips, and with the new US curbs, Huawei has the golden opportunity to cash on the huge demand from the AI industry. It will be interesting to see how NVIDIA shapes itself up with the new US policies since the company has forecasted huge revenue targets, in which the Chinese consumer base holds great importance.

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