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Nov. 19, 2023, 2:41 a.m.
Chinese Flags And Standing Ovation – President Xi Went To San Francisco To Meet Top CEOs, Not President Biden
Chinese Flags And Standing Ovation – President Xi Went To San Francisco To Meet Top CEOs, Not President Biden
['Chinese', 'China', 'American', 'lead', 'us']

At the San Francisco airport to receive Xi Jinping were California Governor Gavin Newsom, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and other U.S. representatives. The Chinese president was there to attend the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Lead…

Chinese Flags And Standing Ovation – President Xi Went To San Francisco To Meet Top CEOs, Not President Biden

The Chinese president was there to attend the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Economic Leaders' Summit, as well as to meet U.S President Joe Biden, about a year since both leaders met at the G20 Bali Summit. In short, the Chinese leader was flying all the way to San Francisco to beg Sleepy Joe to stop punishing China. Along the way to the St. Regis luxury hotel where President Xi is staying, banners along with flags and balloons were seen greeting and hailing the Chinese leader. Even before the invasion of Chinese flags, many Americans, including politicians were astonished and stunned over how swiftly the city was cleaned up of its deplorable homeless problem to impress President Xi. Governor Gavin Newsom was condemned for his efficiency and eagerness to "Clean up the house" for the Chinese communist leader, but not for his actual constituents. Exactly why was the 40th governor of California so eager to appease a Chinese communist leader if indeed China is crumbling and desperately needs American's help? Perhaps they were ashamed of the filthy streets of San Francisco and did not want the Chinese media to laugh and ridicule the world's biggest economy and superpower. His mission was to meet American business leaders, and to show how the top CEOs would kowtow to the Chinese "Dictator" in exchange for access to Chinese massive and lucrative market. To assure the business community of Chinese's pro-business policy, he announced that China will be sending some "Pandas" to the San Diego Zoo, after three of the bears were recently returned to China from Washington's Smithsonian National Zoo.

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