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Dec. 8, 2023, 3:15 p.m.
Changing course: How Javier Milei will transform Argentina's foreign policy
Changing course: How Javier Milei will transform Argentina's foreign policy
['Milei', 'Argentina', 'China', 'Israel', 'country']

President-elect Milei will seek to align Latin America's third largest economy with the US, Israel and ‘the free world'.

Changing course: How Javier Milei will transform Argentina's foreign policy

Buenos Aires, Argentina - Days after clinching Argentina's presidential race, self-described anarcho-capitalist Javier Milei arrived on the steps of the White House, ready to meet with a top national security adviser for the United States. It signalled Milei's plans for a grand realignment of Argentina's foreign policy - towards the US and Israel and away from China and leftist regional partners. List 1 of 3 Argentina's populist candidate Javier Milei holds economic talk with IMF. list 2 of 3 With Milei leading Argentina's presidential race, abortion is on the line. As a candidate, Milei assailed China, a top destination for Argentina's agricultural exports, comparing the country to an "Assassin" and saying its citizens were not "Free". In foreign policy Milei is expected to have more sway. Last week, Milei's pick for foreign minister, Diana Mondino, confirmed that Argentina would not enter BRICS, a bloc of emerging economies named for its five members: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. During a news briefing after Milei's election, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs warned Argentina that severing ties would be a "Serious mistake".

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