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Feb. 17, 2024, 11:59 p.m.
Millions of donkeys killed each year to make medicine
Millions of donkeys killed each year to make medicine
['Donkey', 'skin', 'trade', 'animal', 'Steve']

The quest to stop the slaughter of working donkeys, as demand grows for a traditional remedy made from their skin.

Millions of donkeys killed each year to make medicine

Campaigners against the trade say that people like Steve - and the donkeys they depend on - are victims of an unsustainable demand for Ejiao's traditional ingredient. In a new report, the Donkey Sanctuary, which has campaigned against the trade since 2017, estimates that globally at least 5.9 million donkeys are slaughtered every year to supply it. It is very difficult to get an accurate picture of exactly how many donkeys are killed to supply the Ejiao industry. There could soon be a turning point as every African state's government, and the government of Brazil, are poised to ban the slaughter and export of donkeys in response to their shrinking donkey populations. Who works for the Donkey Sanctuary and is based in Nairobi, says: "Between 2016 and 2019, we estimate that about half of Kenya's donkeys were slaughtered." Ejiao producers used to use skins from donkeys sourced in China. Working with a local animal welfare charity in Nairobi, the charity Brooke is working to find donkeys for young people - like Steve - who need them to access work and education.

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