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March 28, 2024, 4:19 a.m.
Western Wind Turbine Manufacturers Struggle to Compete with Chinese Pricing
Western Wind Turbine Manufacturers Struggle to Compete with Chinese Pricing
['better', 'price', 'profits', 'Group', 'Soros']

The US, Europe and UK again fall behind China is a supposed prority area, wind turbines.

Western Wind Turbine Manufacturers Struggle to Compete with Chinese Pricing

US manufacturing companies discovered a better path to increased profits than investing in productivity and their employees. For lack of a better word, let's call it financialization. A mining company makes more profits from betting on price movements of metals than actually selling the metals they mine. They make greater profits betting on price movements of food commodities than buying and selling food. I remember a presentation I did 15 years ago for a farmers co-op to the Soros Group looking to finance an ethanol project. The Soros Group turned up their noses at our proposal. They pointed out that purchasing derivatives on the price of unleaded gasoline and cornwas a lot more profitable and lower risk than owning a single purpose facility constructed of steel and concrete.

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