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April 10, 2024, 6 a.m.
National security threat: China building a bridge in Central America to fuel U.S. MIGRANT CRISIS
National security threat: China building a bridge in Central America to fuel U.S. MIGRANT CRISIS
['MIGRANT', 'America', 'bridge', 'China', 'Panama']

China is building a bridge in the Central American nation of Panama, part of its plans to fuel the ongoing migrant crisis and undermine America's national security. According to reports, the structure is being built in the town of Yaviza in Panama, which sits…

National security threat: China building a bridge in Central America to fuel U.S. MIGRANT CRISIS

National security threat: China building a bridge in Central America to fuel U.S. MIGRANT CRISIS. China is building a bridge in the Central American nation of Panama, part of its plans to fuel the ongoing migrant crisis and undermine America's national security. Most concerning is that migrants, not tanks, will be the ones to utilize the bridge the most. The construction of the bridge will reportedly make the most dangerous migrant crossing points in the world a much easier trek for migrants. Migrants from South America often cross the Darien Gap - a dense, lawless jungle between Panama and Colombia - on foot. Michael Yon, an investigative journalist known for his on-the-ground coverage of the migrant crisis, has one answer - China. WEF takes over former U.S. military bases in Panama as migrants flood through Darien Gap on their way to America. Panama intensifies efforts to prevent migrants from making their way to the U.S. Panama BANS Doctors Without Borders after discovering corruption at NGO tents in migrant camps.

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