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April 12, 2024, 12:40 p.m.
China Stifles Its Own Debate
China Stifles Its Own Debate
['China', 'CDF', 'Chinese', 'years', 'debate']

For more than two decades, the China Development Forum was a meeting where foreign business, political, and academic leaders could debate the state of the Chinese economy with the country's highest leaders. But this year's gathering eschewed open and honest d…

China Stifles Its Own Debate

For more than two decades, the China Development Forum was a meeting where foreign business, political, and academic leaders could debate the state of the Chinese economy with the country's highest leaders. NEW HAVEN - After my recent trip to Beijing to attend the 25th annual China Development Forum, the country's most important public conference, one question keeps turning over in my head: What's the point? Former Premier Zhu Rongji conceived of the CDF as a forum for debate and exchange between senior Chinese leaders and foreign academics, think-tank experts, and business leaders. It is in that spirit and in the spirit of many subsequent years of active participation in CDF sessions that I bemoan the loss of what had been a vigorous culture of debate in China. Yes, plenty of Western business leaders were in attendance, but mainly for shameless commercialized pitches of their commitment to China. I remain highly critical of America's virulent Sinophobia, while maintaining the view that China faces serious structural growth challenges. In the spirit of Deng Xiaoping's credo, "Seeking truth from facts," I will keep pushing for free and open debate in China.

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