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July 25, 2024, 9:29 a.m.
Oil price adjustment tonight! Domestic gasoline and diesel prices will be reduced by 145 yuan and 140 yuan per ton respectively

Oil prices will be adjusted tonight! Domestic gasoline and diesel prices will be reduced by 145 yuan and 140 yuan per ton, respectively. Original title: Domestic refined oil prices will be adjusted according to the mechanism on July 25, 2024. According to the recent changes in international oil prices and the current refined oil price formation mechanism, from 24:00 on July 25, 2024, domestic gasoline and diesel prices (standard products, the same below) will be reduced by 145 yuan and 140 yuan per ton, respectively. After the adjustment, the maximum retail prices of gasoline and diesel in provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) and central cities are shown in the attached table. PetroChina, Sinopec, CNOOC and other crude oil processing companies should organize the production and transportation of refined oil products, ensure stable market supply, and strictly implement national price policies. Relevant departments in various regions should increase market supervision and inspection, and severely investigate and punish those who fail to implement national price policies...


今晚调油价!国内汽、柴油价格每吨分别降低145元、140元----原标题:2024年7月25日国内成品油价格按机制调整 根据近期国际市场油价变化情况,按照现行成品油价格形成机制,自2024年7月25日24时起,国内汽、柴油价格(标准品,下同)每吨分别降低145元、140元。调整后,各省(区、市)和中心城市汽、柴油最高零售价格见附表。 中石油、中石化、中海油三大公司及其他原油加工企业要组织好成品油生产和调运,确保市场稳定供应,严格执行国家价格政策。各地相关部门要加大市场监督检查力度,严厉查处不执行国家价格政策的行为…

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