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July 25, 2024, 9:09 a.m.
Shuhua Sports settled in the "China House" of the Paris Olympics, contributing to the glorious moment of Chinese sports

Shuhua Sports has settled in the "China House" of the Paris Olympics to help Chinese sports achieve their glorious moments. How far is it from Shanghai to Paris? Nearly 10,000 kilometers. To this end, on the eve of the opening of the Paris Olympics, Shuhua Sports and Tmall jointly launched the "Run First, Run to Paris" 10,000-kilometer relay race in Shanghai. Many sports celebrities and Tmall runners started the race together to light up the Olympic moments. There were many Shuhua X5 Pro luxury smart treadmills on site in Shanghai and Paris for runners to experience. Shanghai "Run to Paris" 10,000-kilometer relay race site "Light up Paris" event site under the Eiffel Tower in Paris At the same time, Shuhua Sports, as the official fitness equipment supplier of the Chinese Olympic Committee and the official fitness equipment supplier of the Chinese sports delegation to the 2024 Olympic Games, has settled in this Paris Olympics...


舒华体育入驻巴黎奥运会“中国之家”,助力中国体育荣耀时刻----从上海到巴黎有多远? 近10000公里。 为此,在巴黎奥运会开幕前夕,舒华体育联合天猫在上海发起“先跑起来,跑向巴黎”的一万公里接力赛,有多名体育名人、天猫跑者共同开跑,一起点亮奥运时刻,上海和巴黎现场都有多台舒华X5 Pro豪华智能跑步机供跑者体验。 上海“跑向巴黎”1万公里接力赛现场 巴黎埃菲尔铁塔下“点亮巴黎”活动现场 与此同时,舒华体育作为中国奥委会官方健身器材供应商和2024年奥运会中国体育代表团官方健身器材供应商,已经入驻了本届巴黎奥运会…

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