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July 25, 2024, 7:16 p.m.
Current Affairs (July 26, 2024) Netanyahu delivered a speech to the US Congress; Biden addressed the nation: Passing the torch to the new generation; Xi Jinping pushes for "price optimization", will people's lives "worse"? On-site report: 2024 Summer Olympics held in Paris

- U.S. President Biden delivered a brief speech to the nation on the evening of July 24. He said that when he took office, people generally believed that China would surpass the United States, but "that is no longer the case." Biden also said that passing the torch to a new generation is "the best way to unite our country." However, in response to Biden's withdrawal from the election, congressional Republicans said that if he cannot run for re-election and is not suitable for the presidency, he should resign immediately. - The 2024 Summer Olympics will be held in Paris from July 26 to August 11. This is the third time that Paris has hosted the Olympic event, and it is also a time when the world is shrouded in the shadow of two wars. How do local people in Paris feel? VOA reporter Bao Shen interviewed and reported on the spot...


- 美国总统拜登7月24日晚间向全国人民发表简短讲话。他说,在他上任时,人们普遍认为中国将超越美国,但“现在不再是这种情况了”。拜登还表示,将火炬传递给新一代是“团结我们国家的最好方式”。不过,针对拜登退选,国会共和党人表示,如果他不能竞选连任,也不适合担任总统,应该立即辞职。 - 2024年夏季奥运会7月26日到8月11日在巴黎举行。这是巴黎第三次举办奥运盛事,也是世界笼罩在两场战争阴影下的时刻。巴黎当地的人们有怎样的感受?美国之音记者宝申在实地采访报道……

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